What is Airbnb and how can you make money from it?

More and more young people are trying to make money besides work, whether that means freelancing, starting their own business or, more recently, using their own home for this purpose.

In short, Airbnb is a site where you can find accommodation when you go on vacation for a few days. Instead of staying at the hotel or guesthouse, you can rent a room (or more) in someone’s house or apartment.


It’s very simple: you join the community and rent a certain space in the house. Then, the tourists contact you and pay directly through this platform. You set the rate, depending on the area where you live, in what state the rooms are, what you can offer to those who will be staying with you (air conditioning, microwave, washing machine, etc.).

Of course, security is very important, so you will need to be checked before you even know the “tenants”. In the end, both parties can provide recommendations.


Use good photos

An image does a thousand words, especially when you want to rent a room. Make sure you keep the room clean and tidy and put everything that is important. For example, if you mention that you have a TV in the room, it should appear in the picture.

Provide sufficient information

Talk about the area where you live: for example, it is a quiet area, with a park nearby, 5 minutes by subway and 10 minutes by hypermarket. Fixed near the block you have a non-stop shop, and at 2 tram stations there is a mall.

Talk about house rules. Do you accept smokers? Are you a smoker? Do you have animals, do you accept animals? Do you want peace at night? It’s your home, so you set the rules yourself!

Offer guests everything they need

Always make sure you have clean sheets and towels, an extra blanket or pillow, enough garbage bags, a first aid kit, enough toilet paper, etc. It doesn’t hurt to offer something extra: coffee in the morning (or even breakfast), something to snack on in the kitchen or transport to and from the airport, for example.

Be friendly

Both before guests arrive and while they live with you, be as friendly as possible. Quickly respond to messages, provide explanations, if needed, provide recommendations (which restaurant to eat, which park to walk to).

Keep the house clean

Make sure there are no strands of hair stuck in the shower, cat hair in the kitchen, any spider cloth in the bedroom, etc. Don’t forget to order and through the fridge, no one wants to find expired food there!

Think about what you would like from a homeowner, what they would enjoy and make you give it the maximum rating.


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